Next Hybrid Meeting

February 5th

Hybrid Meeting instructions available under Secretary / Treasurer Tab in Members Section 

Election for National President

BLET members should have already received a ballot for National Division Officers. National President is only one contested position on the ballot. Please fill out your ballot and return in the pre-addressed, pre-paid envelope. Ballots must be received by 10:00 am ET,...

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Engineer Vacation Bidding

Vacation bidding is now open for engineers on the 2023 NZ021-80EN vacation list. Vacation bidding will be open until 23:59 on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022, and Vacation Scheduling will take place Wednesday, December 7th, 2022. There are detailed instructions on the...

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HOS Violations

The FRA has determined that Uber and all other forms of transportation called after your HOS has expired is considered a HOS violation. Employees are required, and it is important that they notify the Dispatcher or Yardmaster of how much time they have remaining. For...

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Tentative Agreement Reached

A Tentative National Agreement has been reached between the BLE&T and the nation’s largest freight rail carriers. A joint statement from the BLE&T & SMART-TD which contains a general outline of the Tentative Agreement, has been added to the members section...

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Strike Information

As we approach the end of the requirements in the Railway Labor Act and the possibility of a strike or lock-out becomes more likely, please take the time to read the Strike Instructions and Strike FAQ’s that have been provided in our members area under Legislative...

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Union Pacific Eastern One Seniority District Division 404

Local Chairman, Kevin Schnell
28W470 Gordon Court
Naperville, IL 60564

Electronic Claim Submissions »
Legislative Rep. Violations »

General Committee of Adjustment Union Pacific / Northern Region

General Chairman, Richard E. Crow

BLET UPNR website »
BLET National website »

Monthly meetings are held the First Wednesday of the month @ 19:00

American Legion
123 Main Street
West Chicago, IL 60185

Directions »