1) Health Care and Flexible Spending Account Enrollment both end on 10/31/17.
2) The preponderance for determining your 2018 vacation has ended, this applies to whom have been set up and set back. The preponderance period runs from April 1st until September 30th.
3) Vacation bidding for 2018 open and close dates will be announced in November. The vacations will be awarded prior to December 6th. Remember when bidding to make sure you have an ample amount of bids, and to ensure you do not get a forced vacation because of insufficient bids, enter “99” as your last choice on all splits, this will give the latest in the year your seniority can hold. The allocations are determined by how many engineers are working during the preponderance period. The more Engineers that are set up, the more per week allocations we get. 2018 appears to be a bit less than 2017.
4) The numbers needed to qualify for Vacation and Personal Leave days are as follows: 24,000 miles for vacation and 180 starts for PL days. Your information can be found under timekeeping statistics.