Today I received 2 charge letters for Energy Management feedback compliance. The Carrier is charging with rule 1.13; failure to comply with instructions. The instructions are premised on ABTH rule 31.8.7 part C and Superintendent Bulletin #3, Section H. In both instances the engineer provided tie-up feedback by selecting the corresponding issue from the drop-down menu provided in the reporting area but did not provide detailed feedback in the comment section.
While our organization absolutely disagrees with these charges and will fight the carrier and these charges to the best of our ability, there is something we can all do as engineers to prevent future charges. Any time there is an issue with the EMS system we need to make sure we report the problem by selecting the proper drop-down topic and giving a detailed account in the comment section with the reason the EMS system was not used to the fullest extent possible.
I would hate to see any more of our brothers and sisters unnecessarily dealing with a situation like this. If you have any questions on how to report EMS compliance properly, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.