To comply with Article II: Section H. of the 11-4 agreement, engineers will submit all requests to pass up their assignment through a link on the BLET Division 404 website ( The local chairman or his designee will make every effort to accommodate the request within 24 hours of receiving the request. When engineers select the “Pass Up Assignment” link on the homepage, they will be directed to complete a form that will include (name), (employee #), (email address), (phone #), (current assignment), (new assignment), (comments). This is the only way to pass up assignments and will not be allowed until July 1, 2024.
Article II: Section H. of the 11/4 Agreement states:
An Engineer will be allowed to pass up their assignment once per quarter, which will be administered by the organization. An engineer will not be allowed to pass up and place into the board they are currently assigned. They will assume the conditions of the assignment immediately.